算法积累一(树和图部分) Algorithms - Tree and Graph
Binary Search Tree:
What’s is BST?
BST is binary tree which left child is smaller than parent, right child is bigger than parent.
How to find the minimum value?
Because BST left child is smaller than parent, so find left child until it is NULL.
How to output ascending order for a BST?
Inorder traversal. Left->parent->right, then the output is sorted
Inorder successor?
First, the inorder successor, is just the element which follows the node in ascending order.
If already has ascending order, then find the next element is OK, otherwise
Method 1
- If node’s right child is not NULL, then find the min value of right subtree, which is the inorder successor. Reason: right subtree are all bigger than the node, only find the min of right subtree is fine.
- If node’s right child is NULL. Then its inorder successor must be its ancestor. If the treenode structure contains parent pointer, then it goes up to find one node A which A is A’s parent’s left child. Then A’s parent is inorder successor. Why? Reason: inorder successor is the node which is bigger than the node but the minimum one. For example, want to get node N’s inorder successor. If N is a left child, then its parent is its successor. It satisfies the requirement. N is parent’s left child, so N’s parent is succ. If N is a right child, N’s parent M is N’s grandparent’s left child, then M’s parent is succ.
The above method requirement each treenode keeps parent pointer. There is another method which search from root, no need for parent pointer.
Method 2
- If node’s right child is not NULL, then find the min value of right subtree, which is the inorder successor. Reason: right subtree are all bigger than the node, only find the min of right subtree is fine.
- Travel down the tree, if the node’s value is greater than root’s value, then go right side, otherwise go left.
Both method’s time complexity is O(h), h is the height of tree.
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354class TreeNode{TreeNode* left;TreeNode* right;TreeNode* parent;int value;TreeNode(int v): left(nullptr), right(nullptr), parent(nullptr), value(v) {};}TreeNode* minValue(TreeNode* root){TreeNode* cur = root;while(cur->left != nullptr){cur = cur->left;}return cur;}// Method 1: make use of parent to find its successorTreeNode* inOrderSuccessor(TreeNode* node){if(node->right != nullptr){return minValue(node);}else{TreeNode *p = node->parent;while(p!=nullptr && node == p->right){node = p;p = p->parent;}return p;}}// Method 2: search from rootTreeNode* inOrderSuccessor2(TreeNode* node, TreeNode* root){if(node->right != nullptr){return minValue(node);}else{TreeNode *succ = nullptr;while(root != nullptr){// node is at left part, then the root could be its successorif(node->value < root->value){ // node is at left partsucc = root;root = root->left;}else if(node->value > root->value){ // node is at right partroot = root->right; // go right side to find bigger one}else{break;}}return succ;}}
Topological Sorting
If the set exists partial order(偏序) relation, then it exists topological sort. If the order is total order(全序), then the topological sort is unique. In graph, the partial order is called DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph有向无环图)。
There are two methods to achieve topological sorting, one is Kahn algorithm, another one is DFS.
Method 1 Kahn(Time Complexity is O(V+E))
- Store all vertices that in-degree is 0 in queue Q.
- select one node from Q, then delete all edges from this node, modify others degree. Add new nodes with 0 in-degree into Q.
- If finally, there still some node not be vistited, then this graph is not DAG, means it has cycle.
Method 2 DFS(Time Complexity is O(V+E))
Starts with one vertex then visited its adjacetory vertices, store the results into stack, then output from stack.(store sequence is reverse to the topological sort).
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041// Method 1 Kahn, in-degree// Before it has V for vertices, E for edges, adj for adjacetory edges, G for graphvoid topologicalSort(){vector<int> inDegree(V, 0);// Time Complexity is O(V+E)// Outer V, inner Efor(int i=0; i<V; i++){list<int>::iterator iter;for(iter = adj[i].begin(); iter != adj[i].end(); iter++){inDegree[*iter]++;}}queue<int> Q; // Store 0 indegree nodesfor(int i=0; i<V; i++){if(inDegree[i] == 0)Q.push(i);}int cnt = 0; // To check cyclevector<int> topoOrder;while(!Q.empty()){int node = Q.front();Q.pop();topoOrder.push_back(node);cnt++;// Modify adj vertices' degreefor(auto iter = adj[node].begin(); iter != adj[node].end(); iter++){if(--inDegree[*iter] == 0){Q.push(*iter);}}}if(cnt != V){cout << "Non-DAG" << endl;return;}// output topoOrder}
Level Traversal
Use vector to store all nodes, and cur and last to show each level
1234567891011121314151617181920void level_tree(node* root){vector<node*> v;int cur=0;int last = 1;v.push_back(root);while(cur < v.size()){last = v.size();while(cur < last){ // This is one levelcout << v[cur]->val << ' ';if(v[cur]->left){v.push_back(v[cur]->left);}if(v[cur]->right){v.push_back(v[cur]->right);}cur++;}cout << endl; // 一层换行}}BFS, queue to only store one level’s nodes
1234567891011121314151617181920void level_tree(node* root){queue<node*> q;q.push(root);while(!q.empty()){int s = q.size();while(s){auto n = q.top();q.pop();cout << n->val << " ";if(n->left){q.push(n->left);}if(n->right){q.push(n->right);}s--;}cout << endl; //一层换行}}
Also called prefix tree, one simple implementation is use 26 fixed number as its tree node element.
- 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566// Implementation for Trieclass TreeNode{public:vector<TreeNode*> children_;bool is_leaf_;TreeNode(){children_ = vector<TreeNode*> (26, nullptr);is_leaf_ = false;}};class Trie{public:Trie();void insert(string word);bool search(string word);bool StartsWith(string prefix);~Trie();private:TreeNode *root;};void Trie::insert(string word){TreeNode *node = root;int index = 0;for(auto& ch : word){index = ch - 'a';if(!node->children_[index]){node->children_[index] = new TreeNode();}node = node->children_[index];}node->is_leaf_ = true;}bool Trie::search(string word){TreeNode *node = root;for(auto& ch : word){int index = ch - 'a';if(!node->children_[index]) return false;node = node->children_[index];}if(node->is_leaf_) return true;return false;}bool Trie::StartsWith(string prefix){TreeNode *node = root;for(auto& ch : prefix){int index = ch - 'a';if(!node->children_[index]) return false;node = node->children_[index];}return true;}Trie::Trie(){root = new TreeNode();}Trie::~Trie(){delete root;}
Single Source Shortest Path
Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra: B can solve this problem with neg weight, but not neg cycle. D fits only for pos.
If all weight is equal, then Dijkstra equals to DFS
Implementation of Dijkstra with adj matrix and adj list
adj matrix, time complexity: O(V^2)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233const int V = 9; // number of vecticesint MinDistance(vector<int>& dist, vector<bool>& is_shortest_path){int min_dist = INT_MAX, min_index;for(int v=0; v < V; v++){if(is_shortest_path[v] == false && dist[v] <= min_dist){min_dist = dist[v], min_index = v;}}return min_index;}void Dijkstra(vector<vector<int> >& graph, int src){vector<int> dist(V, INT_MAX);vector<bool> is_shortest_path(V, false);dist[src] = 0;for(int cnt = 0; cnt < V - 1; cnt++){// Pick the min dist vertex, src will be the first oneint min_index = MinDistance(dist, is_shortest_path);is_shortest_path[min_index] = true;// Find all its neighbors and update themfor(int v = 0; v < V; v++){if(!is_shortest_path[v] && graph[min_index][v]&& dist[min_index] != INT_MAX&& dist[min_index] + graph[min_index][v]< dist[v]){dist[v] = dist[min_index] + graph[min_index][v];}}}// Output result for dist}This code only calculates shortest distance, but not path information. If want, could cfreate a parent vector to store the info.
If only interested in signle source to target, then we can prune the search tree by break.
If use adj list, the time complexity could reduce to O(ElogV)
adj list, time complexity: O(ElogV)
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556// Dijkstra for adj list// Will use priority queue to store the distance between vertices// STL default priority queue is max queue, therefore need to modifyclass Node{int index_;int weight_;Node(): index_(0), weight_(0){};Node(int index, int weight): index_(index), weight_(weight){};};class Graph{int V_;vector<list<Node> > adj_list_;Graph(V){V_ = V;adj_list_ = vector(V, list<Node>);}};class CompDist{public:bool operator()(const pair<int,int>& lhs, const pair<int,int>& rhs) const{return lhs.second > rhs.second;}};void Dijkstra(Graph& graph, int src){int V = graph.V_;// dist stores dist from src to all other verticesvector<int> dist(V, INT_MAX);// priority queue store the same with dist, the reason for using two containers is that: vector is fit for index, priority queue is fit for fetch distpriority_queue<pair<int,int>, vector<pair<int,int> >, CompDist> dist_heap;// The function of visited is: A->B is 3, C->B is 5, but C->B is updated beforehead, so heap now contains B, then A->B updates B again, there are two Bs in heap. Then the smaller B will be popped up, the bigger one will never be visited.vector<bool> visited(V, false);dist[src] = 0;dist_heap.push(make_pair(src, 0));while(!dist_heap.empty()){auto top_node = dist_heap.top();int min_index = top_node.first;int min_weight = top_node.second;dist_heap.pop();if(visited[min_index]){continue;}visited[min_index] = true;for(auto iter = graph[min_index].begin(); iter != graph[min_index].end(); iter++){if(dist[*iter.index_] > dist[min_index] + min_weight){dist[*iter.index_] = dist[min_index] + min_weight;dist_heap.push(make_pair(*iter.index_, dist[*iter.index_]));}}}// Output dist}Time complexity Analysis: For myself, I first analyze the time complexity is VElogV, which is different from the correct answer ElogV? Why? The reason is: inner loop times should be N(single vertex’s edges, not all edges), so the time complexity is VNlogV, VN == E, so the time complexity is ElogV.
Any two points shortest path
Methods: Run Dijkstra in each point; Use Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
Floyd is dp problem. Time complexity is O(V^3)
123456789101112// Graph is adj matrix and INT_MAX for not availablevoid FloydWarshall(vector<vector<int> >& graph, int V){for(int k=0; k<V; k++){for(int i=0; i<V; i++){for(int j=0; j<V; j++){if(graph[i][j] > graph[i][k] + graph[k][j]){graph[i][j] = graph[i][k] + graph[k][j];}}}}}
Some common problems
Determine if a binary tree is a balanced tree
12345678910111213int Level(TreeNode *node){if(!node) return 0;elsereturn max(Level(node->left), Level(node->right)) + 1;}bool IsBalancedTree(TreeNode *root){if(root == nullptr) return true;else if(abs(Level(root->left) - Level(root->right)) <= 1&& IsBalancedTree(root->left) && IsBalancedTree(root->right)){return true;}return false;}This recursive method is too slow. So can use memory to store the value to improve the speed
1234567891011121314151617181920212223// Define inbalance as -1const int kInBalance = -1;int IsBalancedUtil(TreeNode *node){if(!node) return 0;int left_height = IsBalancedUtil(node->left);if(left_height == kInBalance){return kInBalance;}int right_height = IsBalancedUtil(node->right);if(right_height == kInBalance){return kInBalance;}if(abs(left_height - right_height) > 1){return kInBalance;}return max(left_height, right_height) + 1;}bool IsBalancedTree(TreeNode *root){if(IsBalancedUtil(root) == kInBalance) return false;return true;}Time complexity is O(n)
Check if a binary tree is a BST. No elements have the same value
There is very straight method is InOrder traversal then check if ascent. Not optimal, the definition of BST is left < parent < right. Left subtree < parent < Right subtree.
1234567891011bool IsBSTUtil(TreeNode *node, int min, int max){if(!node) return true;if((node->val < max || (node->val == max && node->right == nullptr)) && (node->val > min || (node->val == min && node->left == nullptr)) && (IsBSTUtil(node->left, min, node->val) && (IsBSTUtil(node->right), node->val, max))return true;return false;)}bool IsBST(TreeNode *root){return IsBSTUtil(root, INT_MIN, INT_MAX);}Time complexity O(n)
Tree 1 and Tree 2 are both binary trees nodes having values, determine if Tree 2 is a subtree of Tree 1
1234567891011121314151617bool Match(TreeNode* node1, TreeNode* node2){if(node1 == nullptr && node2 == nullptr) return true;if(node1 == nullptr || node2 == nullptr) return false;if(node1->val != node2->val) return false;return Match(node1->left, node2->left) && Match(node1->right, node2->right);}bool IsSubTree(TreeNode*root1, TreeNode* root2){if(root2 == nullptr) return true;if(root1 == nullptr) return false;if(root1->val == root2->val){return Match(root1, root2);}else{return IsSubTree(root1->left, root2) || IsSubTree(root1->right, root2);}}Time Complexity O(MN)